Custom script and photo with instagram filter can be fun and very easy to create, in this quick tutorial I will show you how to create your own script and add any photo as a background and add a simple instagram effect.
Step 1
Create a document with any size you wants, for this tutorial I’ll use 1280 x800, DPI 300, color mode RGB. With ellipse tool draw a circle double click on the ellipse shape layer and fill it with light gray.
Use the line tool to create guides, to define spacing between rows rotate them a little bit.
Step 2
Ok now is time to create the brush to write out our script. create a new brush and use the following settings.
Step 3
Now is time to start drawing the letter.
Step 4
Now reduce the opacity for the writing you just created to 30%.
Step 5
Now we’ll use the pen tool in path mode to trace the letters using the original lines as a guide. remember to trace the small letters in different path layer.
Step 6
Now this is the fun part, pick up the brush tool and press return. what this do is stroke the path with the brush we made. and & to words use small brush. ok we done with the writing for now hide the visibility of the writing layer.
Step 7
Open your image in PhotoShop copy and then paste to our original file and name it background use filters, Blur, Gaussian Blur and set it up radius to 5.0 . for this tutorial I’ve used an image from Forrest Cavale you can download more photos from here:
Step 8
on top of the background create a new layer and set foreground with #bf72f5 and background with #66ccff now fill the layer with the gradient tool and set the blending mode to overlay.
Step 9
Ok now turn on the visibility of the writing layer and set the blending mode to overlay
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